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Dr. Sherie Viencek, DC CBNS

Dr. V has 25 years of training and expertise in natural health care. She uses an all-natural approach to help patients with chronic lung diseases such as COPD, IPF, and sarcoidosis.


The goal of her treatment is to improve patients shortness of breath, reduce their dependence on oxygen, and help improve their quality of life.*


Dr. V can help you if:

  • You have been diagnosed with COPD or another chronic lung disease

  • You have been suffering from fatigue, shortness of breath, and cough

  • You are using oxygen therapy

  • Your breathing is getting progressively worse

Meet the doctor

Meet The Doctor

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Dr. Sherie Viencek, DC CBNS

Dr. Sherie Viencek, D.C. CBNS has been practicing Chiropractic, Functional Medicine Nutrition, Exercise rehabilitation, and Health coaching for over 30 years. She is a certified ReCode practitioner, a program developed for reversing cognitive decline. Given the right  treatment and modalities she believes in the innate healing power of the body and its capacity for biological transformation which she has witnessed in her practice


Dr. Viencek understands the complexity of lung conditions. In the orphanage, her adopted daughter had 15 bouts of pneumonia and was hospitalized 15 times before the age of 5. At 7 she had her right upper lung lobe removed and her left lobe collapsed on several occasions. Her diagnosis was severe Obstructive Bronchiectasis. Even with all the steroids, inhalers , medications, spirometer, nebulizer, and antibiotics she still had a chronic cough.


When Dr. Viencek introduced all-natural herbal formulas ten years ago, her daughter’s cough stopped in 3 days and her overall health improved. She has been using these all-natural herbal products with her family, friends, and patients ever since.


What to expect at Sacramento Lung and Wellness Center


Here at Sacramento Lung Health and Wellness we take a multi-modality approach to treat various aspects of your condition. We start with a comprehensive history to better understand the root cause of the lung condition. This is followed by a Chiropractic exam to address physical and structural capacities. Often lung problems will coincide with sleep apnea, vascular problems, and cognitive decline due to poor oxygenation. These situations will be addressed, and resources suggested, along with exercises to strengthen the lung, improve movement, correct posture and enhance better breathing.


Whether it is a specific diagnosed lung condition, or an underlying lung weakness, from past pneumonia, bronchitis, lung infections or environmental exposures, Sacramento Lung Health and Wellness can help you.

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Sacramento Lung Health & Wellness Natural Therapy

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based upon the premise of balance between the body’s core organs and the structure (Yin) and function (Yang) within each organ. COPD is considered a lung Yin deficiency in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 


​The use of chiropractic care can assist in the restoration of lung function. Traditional Chinese Medicine that targets lung Yin and chiropractic care has been improving patients quality of life.*

What To Expect

1-2 weeks

2-4 weeks

3 months

6 months

increased energy & reduced shortness of breath*

reduced cough & phlegm*

reduced oxygen use and pharmaceutical drugs*

improved lung structure & function*

Herbal Medicine

Patient Stories

Just a quick note to say how pleased I am with the results of your treatment. When I started with the treatment, I was on 2 liters of oxygen 24 hours a day. I now only use the oxygen at night and when doing treadmill 2.8 mph at 3.5 grade for 40 minutes 4-5 times a week. I consider this a significant improvement, and actually don’t have to see my pulmonologist for another year.**

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.

Dr. Viencek's office to find out more.

Contact Dr. V

*DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary. Do not change or discontinue any prescription medications unless directed by your primary physician.
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Lung Health
& Wellness

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product and program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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